Compact Fluorescent Lamps (C.F.L.)
The compact fluorescent lamps are the latest addition in the family of lamps. The lamp generate light on the same principle as fluorescent tube. An electrical charge is passed th rough mercury vapour between two electrodes. The electrical field causes the vapour to emit invisible U.V. (Ultra violet) radiation. Fluorescent material applied to the inside of the glass tube converts the UV. radiation into visible light. Different fluorescent materials emit light in different colour apperances. By bending each tube back on itself, lamp designers have managed to reduce overall length of They are not much larger than ordinary light bulbs.
Following are the main characteristics of the CFL lamps.
(a) Provides alternative to incandescent lamps for direct energy saving i.e., upto 70 to 80 percent saving in electricity costs.
(b) It offers as compact luminaries.
(c) Provides replacement for tubular fluorescent tubes for space saving.
(d) CFL lamps weigh so little that they are even suitable for pendent luminaries.
(e) 8 to 10 times the average life of incandescent lamps.
(f) Instant flicker free starting and flicker free operation.
Several reputed companies have designed the lamps to meet ahnost every requirement in the field of illumination offering great deal of energy saving. For instance, at 60 watt. incandescent lamp can be replaced by a mere 20 watt CFL offering nearly same level of illumination. The CFL’s are available in variety of shapes, coisurs and with different light intensity.
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