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Do U Know What Is Nuclear Power Station:-

Nuclear Power Station:-

In INDIA country 380 MW Nuclear Power Station at Tatapur is working and electrical energy on station. Another Nuclear power supply station of 400 MW is also working near Rana Pratap Sagar(Rajasthan)

What is it?

The reserve of mineral feals in the world are limited and as a result of the repid growth of their individual exploitation they will become exhausted innot too distant future so it ts natural to look for new sources of power
The energy of atomic nuclear used in such system is called atomic nuclear energy,. A nuclear power station is just like a Thermal power station in which the nuclear reactor replace the steam boiler. Here to obtain 100000kw of heat it is enough to burn only 100 grams of nuclear materials only. But control of this "burning" is a very complex problem. 

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